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Letter to the President of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Residents' Mess, March 1922

This letter was written by Willam Caw, the Deputy Superintendent of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, to the President of the Residents' Mess on 27th March 1922.  In it, he asks for an explanation of some rather mischievous behaviour!

The residents of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh were medical graduates serving practical apprenticeships as House Officers.  The residents lived within the Infirmary building at Lauriston Place in the Residency, each new intake forming a separate 'Mess'.  The residents were bound by two sets of rules: one drawn up by the Board of managers; the other drawn up by themselves, and which governed the running of their Mess.

Unfortunately, we don't have a copy of the President's response!

Online Exhibition: 100 Years of the Royal Infirmary Residents

Letter to Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Residency Mess President, 1922.  [LHB1 Admin Files, Box 1, 1919]    

LHSA Ref: LHB1 Admin Files, Box 1, 1919